Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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DCRANEWS December 2001
Our Village
In the last six months DCRA members have met several times with Meath County Council staff who have responsibility for the work being carried out in the village. This is an update on this protracted project.
High Court Action
The Kildare Meath Wicklow Planning Alliance was founded earlier this year in support of local communities and residents throughout the three counties to ensure good planning and to monitor Local Authorities' compliance to planning requirements as legislated by Central Government. A High Court Action is being taken against Meath County Council for alleged breaching of Planning Guidelines for this region, which are now incorporated in law. The joint plaintiffs are a resident of County Kildare and Michael Smith of An Taisce.
Elections 2002
Voluntary Organisations in Dunboyne
Early next year DCRA will hold a Community Information Exhibition in the Community Centre. It will be an Open Day giving all voluntary organisations/clubs in the Dunboyne area, the opportunity to have a pitch, to inform the community about their activities, to win interest and to recruit new members or volunteers. INTERESTED? Contact Colm Lynch on 086 3565795 colmlynch@eircom.net
Traffic Speeding on access roads to Dunboyne and a number of other traffic problems have been discussed with Garda Srgt. Alan Dowley. DCRA put forward some suggestions which are being considered. A put-down area for school buses is being considered for location in front of school buildings off Station Road. out.
There are now twenty Residents Associations in membership of DCRA representing 1,600 households.
The mature trees in and around the village make a major contribution to the distinctive characteristics of the area. DCRA, recognising the need for the preservation of these trees, prepared a report entitled 'Survey of Trees of Special Amenity Value' that was submitted to Meath County Council. Recently, the mature trees along the eastern and northern boundaries of the Castle Estate have been fixed with individual identification tags. DCRA is investigating the significance of these tags.
Action On Station Road Bridge
DCRA is asking residents to write to the County Manager, Meath County Council, County Hall, Navan to complain about the disgraceful fencing on this bridge and the absence of a pedestrian walkway over the bridge. DCRA has repeatedly appealed over recent years for finance to be made available to replace the unsightly fencing and to provide a safe route for pedestrians.
Dunboyne Park
Following representation by DCRA plans were drawn up and approved. The County Council is very interested to see the project developed. The group of local business people essential to the development are also on board in support of this project. We hope interest will pick up.
Supporting Each Other
DCRA exists in support of its combined membership. Each Residents Association exists in support of its membership. Keep your Residents Association informed about your interests and concerns for your area and for Dunboyne.