Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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May 2002
The General Election - "All Politics is Local": Tipp O'Neil
·With the impending General Election we feel it is timely
to remind our members of the performance of our politicians to date. During
the whole rezoning campaign they have abandoned their constituents in Dunboyne.
· The 2,300 people who submitted written objections and the 700 people
who attended a public meeting were all totally ignored. Even the very real prospect
of increasing the flooding risk was obviously of no concern to our Councillors
who were committed to rezoning at all costs.
· The facts are clearly laid out here so that people are informed when
making up their minds for whom to vote.
Fianna Fail
· The three local FF Councillors all strongly supported both the green
belt and castle rezonings. When they refused to take on board the views of the
people of Dunboyne, we requested a meeting with our local FF TD and Junior Minister
Mary Wallace in the hope that she might exert some influence, as she had given
very strong commitments to protect both the green belt East of the disused railway
line and Dunboyne Castle and lands.
· She eventually agreed to meet DCRA, after our third request, in November
2000, a full nine months later. Deputy Wallace basically said that she knew
nothing about the plan even though she replied to our first request in February
saying she needed more time to study the it. She also said that she never discussed
it with anyone even though Cllr. Nick Killian worked with her daily in her office.
· She was unable to attend the public meeting in the Community Centre
but was represented there by Cllr. Nick Killian who refused to be influenced
by the views of the 700 objectors present.
Fine Gael
· We met with John Bruton, TD and Cllr. Bergin on the whole rezoning
issue and we welcomed his stated position that there should be no development
east of the railway until work had started on reopening the railway line, and
he put forward the view that there should be no rezoning of the Castle Lands
at that stage to allow time to pursue our plans to develop it into a public
park for all residents, similar to Malahide Castle or Marley Park, with more
than adequate facilities for all sporting organisations. However, only ten days
later, Cllr Bergin proposed the rezoning of the Castle Lands.
· Regretfully, the two FG Councillors voted against each other on the
development of the Green Belt.
Independent: Brian Fitzgerald
· Prior to the 1999 local elections Cllr. Brian Fitzgerald stressed among
his priorities for Dunboyne were
Preservation of the Green Belt East of the rail line and as he said : "To
ensure that Dunboyne Castle and its lands remain zoned as special zoning and
not changed to residential."
· What he did when elected.
At the Dunshaughlin Area meeting of Meath Co. Council on 24th October 2000 he
seconded the proposal to rezone Dunboyne Castle lands and later at the same
meeting went on to propose the rezoning of green belt lands East of the disused
railway line. To have reneged on his of pre-election
commitments only a year after his election and his failure to represent his
constituents, was a blatant breaching of democratic accountability and places
a huge question mark over the sincerity of this Councillor's promises for the
forthcoming election.
Candidates Standing for the First Time
Responding to an invitation by DCRA Committee, the following Candidates attended a meeting held on 24th April 2002. Because we can only note some points from each Candidate's presentation we advise that their election publicity be read.
Damien English FG
Aged 24 and wants major change. He is concerned about traffic congestion. He
wants infrastructure before building development. Flooding must be addressed
and must be taken into account in planning in and around Dunboyne. Waste management
- yes; incineration - no. By voting against the Dunboyne Development Plan 2001
he voted against his local Dunshaughlin Area FG colleagues in the County Council.
He is however in favour of development after the railway line is constructed.
He is in favour of Public Parks being established in Meath.
Pat O'Brien Anti-Incinerator
He made a convincing argument that incineration of waste is not an acceptable
way to deal with the problem. Some County Councillors made it known that they
did not fully understand what they were voting for when supporting incineration
of waste nor the consequences of incineration to the health and environment
of communities. He wants democracy returned to communities, as the present representative
democracy is highly questionable in that it does not represent the electorate.
He is against political corruption that is nurtured on a culture of conspiracy
and collusion. The planning fee introduced by Noel Dempsey, to be paid by people
who lodge a planning objection, must be taken out. It is pro developer and anti
community. This candidate says that he is an environmentalist committed to the
protection of water, food and air.
Fergal O'Byrne Green Party
Waste management initially was ridiculed but now it is of major importance.
Recycling of waste is feasible, desirable and possible. It needs political drive
to make it happen. He deplores what happened about the rezoning of the Green
Belt East of the old railway line in Dunboyne and how Councillors ignored the
will of the electorate in Dunboyne. The Green Party fought strongly for the
preservation of the Green Belt East of the disused railway line. Why are there
no playgrounds in Meath? Dunboyne needs one. Corruption is a shame on our country.
The Green Party was first to raise the subject of corruption in a Dail debate.
Trevor Sargent TD handed back a cheque to a developer when he was a County Councillor.
The Navan to Drogheda rail line should be opened up and used for passenger service.
Put resources to dealing with crime and corruption and not to the Bertie Bowl.
Peter Ward Labour
To return the same Government is to endorse all that had gone on including corruption.
He is against voting for Independents as they can distort the political process.
Rezoning for development in Dunboyne is in flagrant contravention of the Strategic
Planning Guidelines for the Region. Huge rezonings in Meath for development
is not acceptable. People choose to live in villages and towns in Meath to enjoy
a rural environment. The Strategic Planning Guidelines was their assurance.
He is in favour of disbursement of the Bertie Bowl money to local sports organisations.