Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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June 2004
Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
Election Special
· There are five electoral areas in County Meath. Dunboyne is located in the Dunshaughlin Eectoral Area in which there are six County Councillor seats.
· Five years ago three Fianna Fail, two Fine Gael and one Independent - six County Councillors - were elected to represent the residents of the Dunshaughlin Electoral Area. The residents of Dunboyne helped to have them elected. The residents of Dunboyne believed them when these candidates made their pre-election promises. They broke their promises. On some critical issues affecting our community they voted against the expressed wishes of the majority of our community. Residents of Dunboyne feel strongly that these Councillors failed to represent them.
· Five of these candidates are standing for re-election
on June 11th - Fianna Fail: N. Killian, O. Brookes and C. Tormey; Fine Gael:
John Fanning; Independent: B. Fitzgerald.
· There are some new names on the candidate list: Fianna Fail: N. Leonard.
Fine Gael: C. Bobbett & E. Cogavin. Green Party: A. O'Lochraigh. Independents:
J. Bonner & J.Mannering. Labour: J. King & P. Ward. Sinn Fein: K. Emmett.
New Independent Dunboyne Candidate to Represent Residents - Maria Murphy
Maria Murphy is steeped in community activities in Dunboyne. She is not connected to any political party. Her priority will be residents and their living environment.
When elected she will be a dedicated representative and will inform and consult residents and their communities on issues that arise. Their agenda will be her agenda. She will be free from the constraints of political party patronage and commercial interests.
Dunboyne needs a strong and articulate person on Meath County Council to ensure that in future the interests of the residents of Dunboyne will not be neglected nor sidelined.
"All politics is local" and so is Maria. And a good choice too.
DCRA's Message to Dunboyne Residents and especially to young people in our community: Exercise your democratic right and responsibility and cast your vote on June 11th. In 1999 only 47% of the public voted. Speak your mind by voting.
Rumour: DCRA denies a rumour that DCRA funds are being used to support a local election candidate.