Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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| TO: The Editor, Meath Chronicle
Dear Sir Last week you published an article entitled "Dunboyne Residents Feel Betrayed Over Plan to Rezone Area". I must respond to the specific question regarding the rezoning of the Green Belt between Dunboyne and Clonee and wish to make the following points:-
The Councillor should be aware that there is enough land already zoned and proposed for rezoning in the new Draft Development Plan for Dunboyne to add a further 2,000 to our present population of 5,000, an increase of 40%. There is no need whatever to rezone our Green Belt. Cllr Mary Bergin said that circumstances had changed since she made a commitment twelve months ago to protect the Green Belt. Please Mary, what circumstances have changed? Cllr O. Brooks denied he had proposed the rezoning of the Green Belt. Later in the meeting, following the reading of the minutes of a Meath County Council meeting he admitted he had in fact proposed it. We deserve better from our public representatives. Cllr Conor Tormey gave his reason for supporting the rezoning of the Green Belt as one of the landowners had done a lot for Meath! So for this ridiculous reason Dunboyne should have its environment and identity destroyed for ever. Cllr Nick Killian while in favour of rezoning at first, at the ending of the meeting said he would reconsider his view in the light of the unanimous opposition expressed at the meeting. Cllr John Fanning told the meeting that Dunboyne would have to take some of the pain of development. Is he aware that our population has doubled in the past four years? Our Councillors are proposing to rezone a massive total of 475 acres in Dunboyne/Clonee more than the total for Dunshaughlin, Rathoat, Ashbourne and Kilcock together. I have never witnessed such cross party unity among the Councillors, in all my years dealing with them, as on this issue. I wonder why? Kevin Battersby,President Dunboyne Combined Residents Association 18, St Peter's Park Dunboyne Tel: 01.8255640
Kevin Battersby, President Dunboyne Combined Residents Association 18, St Peter's Park Dunboyne Tel: 01.8255640
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