Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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DCRA letter to Meath Chronicle, Jan 15th, 2001
To, The Editor , The Meath Chronicle, Navan, County Meath Dear Sir I note with interest that sports clubs in Dunboyne have welcomed proposed developments at the Castle grounds in the village which are provided for in the new Meath County Development Plan. (Meath Chronicle, 6th January 2001). It seems to me that the provision of such facilities is of secondary importance to the provision of homes that do not flood.. Sports facilities in Dunboyne are irrelevant unless the housing in the area is guaranteed to be free from such a terrible risk. Children and adults in Dunboyne will only welcome these facilities if their homes are freed from the considerable risk of flooding that further development poses here. It is a remarkable fact that the European Convention of Human Rights, Section 1, Article 8 states quite specifically "Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." yet previous development in this village has clearly been in blatant disregard of this right. It would be good to see Councillor Killian and the five other Councillors addressing themselves as diligently to safeguarding peoples' homes as to they do to pushing this development of approximately 50 acres of housing. Sports facilities are important for any community but not as important as housing that is free from flooding and the threat of it. |
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