Dunboyne Combined Residents Association Home - About DCRA- News- Links Page- Politicians Directory- Planning - Newsletters -Archive - DCRA Meetings - Environment - Waste & Recycling DCRA letter to Meath Chronicle, Jan 13th, 2001 |
To: The Editor, The Meath Chronicle, Jan 13th, 2001 Dear Sir I refer to the article in The Meath Chronicle of 06.01.01, entitled "Dunboyne Clubs to Benefit from Plan". It is not correct to refer, as the article does, to "The County Meath Development Plan" since that plan is only in draft form and so legally all objections to it must be considered by the County Council. The majority of the residents of Dunboyne have objected to the development of approximately 50 acres of housing in the Dunboyne Castle grounds. They have put forward the very positive proposal that these grounds be developed for community, tourist, recreational and sporting facilities. Consequently all members of Dunboyne community would have access to and enjoy this exceptional amenity not just a few selected organisations. Not only is 50 acres of housing an unacceptable price to pay for the promise of limited sporting facilities but such a development would be in breach of the "Strategic Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area". Councillor Killian wants this development to happen as well as development on our Green Belt. Any worthwhile "planning gain" will go to the owners and developers and not to Dunboyne residents. Councillor Killian of course is one of our band known locally as the Six Rezoners whose music is composed exclusively by a group called The Developers. I have read the Dunboyne Combined Residents Association's submission to Meath County Council. That document fully justifies the development of Dunboyne Castle Demense as a community amenity incorporating sports fascilities but without a massive housing development. There is no evidence that I am aware of that the sporting organisations mentioned by Cllr Killian have any legal contract or incontrovertible agreement that ensures they will enjoy the promise |
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