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Press Release for KMWPA (Kildare, Meath, Wicklow Planning Alliance) 18.01.2001 The inaugural meeting of the Kildare Meath Wicklow Planning Alliance was held on 17th January 2001, in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. This was the historic unification of three individual Planning Alliance groups, representing the hinterland areas of the Dublin Region, under one alliance. The reason for the establishment of the Kildare, Meath, Wicklow Planning Alliance is in response to the widespread breaching of the Strategic Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area, in relation to the development plans which are being proposed for the counties concerned. The Single Objective of the group will be: -
KMWPA will not be an organisation that is party politically aligned For further information please contact: Mike Parle at (01) 624 4654 or (01) 825 2599 Fax: (01) 624 4050, e-mail: parlem@gofree.indigo.ie
Jim McGrath Spokesman South Meath Planning Alliance - (01) 825 2189, e-mail: mcgrathjim@esatclear.ie Judy Osborne Chairperson Wicklow Planning Alliance - 0404 40523 Aidan Keane Chairman Kildare Planning Alliance - (01) 628 7504 |
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