Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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Shock Rezoning News
| This Association has always
sought to protect from development the Green Belt i.e. the land immediately
east of the disused railway line, between Dunboyne and Clonee. DCRA prepared
a document in 1999, "Towards a Dunboyne Development Plan 2000", and forwarded
it to Meath County Council. In this document it was clearly stated that
we wished to retain this Green Belt. A meeting was held with our Dunshaughlin
Area Electoral candidates in May 1999, prior to the Local Elections. Full
support was given by them, if elected, for the retention of the Green Belt.
Imagine the shock and disappointment of DCRA when:-
We feel betrayed by our Local Representatives. DCRA has in membership 16 Residents Associations, representing 1,345 houses and more than 5,000 people in the Dunboyne area. DCRA is not prepared to stand idly by and let our Councillors turn this village into a Dublin sprawl and in 10 years or less have our village recalled Blanchardstown West. Dunboyne Castle DCRA's planning submission to Meath County Council states that Dunboyne Castle and lands are a village and regional heritage and should be used for amenity, tourist, community and leisure purposes. This proposal ensures that the interests of the many sporting and recreational organisations in Dunboyne can be accommodated. THIS ASSOCIATION NEEDS THE SUPPORT OF ALL THE COMMUNITY AND WE ASK EACH RESIDENT TO WRITE A BRIEF LETTER OBJECTING TO THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR GREEN BELT AND SUPPORTING OUR SUGGESTION ABOUT DUNBOYNE CASTLE AND TO POST IT TO: Mr Kevin Stewart, County Secretary, County Hall, Navan. |
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