Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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Tidy Town Results
Summary Of The Adjudicators' Report on Dunboyne for 2001.
Dunboyne has participated in the Tidy Towns Competition for many years now. Over the past few year there has not been as much progress as the committee would have liked and this has been mainly due to the extensive development of the village and the necessary infrastructural work that is carried out to accommodate this development. For the past 3 or 4 years there has frequently been major road words through the centre of the village at strategic times and this has impeded the work of the committee. However we look forward to being able to make a real impression in the coming years particularly with the completion of the DTO (Dublin Transport Organisation) funded development of the village centre. The committee, along with DCRA, has tried to ensure that it has had input into these developments in the interests of the community.
Adjudicators Report Each year the adjudicators report their findings to the committee. This year's report was encouraging but there continues to be a few problems that are regularly highlighted particularly the amount of litter observed in the centre of the village. Under the heading 'General Impression' the adjudicators noted that Dunboyne is an historic and attractive village with three main features: the medieval churchyard and buildings, the village green and the riverbank. They suggest that these offer enormous scope for enhancing the village environment and encourage the committee to concentrate on, perhaps, re-furbishing the old churchyard and to pursue the idea of developing the park along the river.
The Future
The points highlighted by the adjudicators are things that the committee would like to progress. We would also like to bring businesses and residents on board and would ask anyone who has an interest in these areas to help by joining us. The committee needs as much help as it can get.
Anyone interested can contact the Chairman, Ambrose Dunne, at 8251058.
Tidy Towns Competition 2001 Markings for Dunboyne
Category & Marks
Figure One: Maximum Marks Figure Two:Marks for 2001 Figure Three:Marks for 2000
Overall Development Approach 50 35 35
The Built Environment 40 29 29
Landscaping 40 29 28
Wildlife and Natural Amenity 30 17 17
Litter Control 40 20 20
Tidiness 20 11 11
Residential Areas 30 23 23
Roads, Streets and Back Areas 40 19 19
General Impression 10 6 6
Total Marks 300 189 188
There is criticism by the adjudicators of the amount of litter noticed in the village. Clubs, Traders, Organisations and Associations could help by encouraging members to be litter conscious.
Date of Adjudication: 24-06-1999
Maximum Mark |
Mark Awarded 1999 |
Mark Awarded 1998 |
Overall Developmental Approach |
50 |
34 |
33 |
The Built Environment |
40 |
28 |
28 |
Landscaping |
40 |
28 |
27 |
Wildlife and Natural Amenities |
30 |
15 |
15 |
Litter Control |
40 |
21 |
22 |
Tidiness |
20 |
11 |
11 |
Residential Areas |
30 |
22 |
22 |
Roads, Streets and Back Areas |
40 |
20 |
20 |
General Impression |
10 |
6 |
5 |
300 |
185 |
183 |