Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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An Taisce Dunboyne AFC Environmental Protection Agency Friends of the Irish Environment
DCRA Membership
Beechdale Ann Gilvarry, 8255775 gilvary@eircom.net (Vice-Chairperson) Denis Kenny, dhist@oceanfree.net Castleview Esther O'Toole, 8251419 Denis Malone 8255749 Chestnut Grove Rosie Cullen 8013852 racullen@eircom.net Clonee - The Mayne Mary Clarke, 8255121 clarke_mary22@hotmail.com Marie Orr -8251743 Congress Hall Claire Aumont, 8251765 claire.aumont@oceanfree.net Courthill Drive Pauline Sullivan, 8255794 pauline.s@unison.ie Garnett Hall Adrian Tiernan, 8252636 Nuala Curran, 8255879 Hamilton Hall Brendan Keeley 8015815 Kilbreena Bill Coffey, 8252993 Larchfield John Doherty 8252221 Luttrell Hall Cullen, Paula, 8252742 paulamcullen@eircom.net Murphy, Maria -8252182 mariacmurphy@eircom.net Millfarm Michael Kavanagh, 8252428 mkavanaghdunboyne@hotmail.com Phillip Flood, 8252985 pflood@gofree.indigo.ie Old Fair Green Colm Lynch, 8255693 calynch@esatclear.ie Sean Griffin, 8251751 Plunket Hall Sean Cox, 8251462. seandcox@eircom.net Susan Moran Rooske Road Douglas Dennehy, 8255378 dden@eircom.net Frank McCool, 8255257 ground@iol.ie Sadlier Hall Michael Daly, 8251900 Veronica Stephens St Patrick's Park, St Mary's Tce., The Paddocks John Malone, 8255871 St Peter's Park Judy Conroy 8251854 Summerhill Road Eoin McBreen, 8255358 Owen.McBreen@enterprise-ireland.com David Deasy Tidy Towns Committee Ambrose Dunne, 8251058 ambrose@esatclear.ie Sean Griffin, 8251751 sgriffin@itdesign.ie Warrenstown John Cotter, 8255664 johnjcotter@eircom.net Colm Brennan, 8255586 Woodview Declan D'Arcy, 8251196 declan.darcy@welfare.ie
Chairperson: Jim McGrath, 8252189 mcgrathjim@esatclear.ie Hon President: Kevin Battersby, 8255640/087.9731576 Twenty-one Residents Associations representing 1,600 houses and 87% of the population. If you are interested in having your site mentioned here on our Links page, please contact us at DCRAMail@netscape.net. |
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