Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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Dunboyne Tidy Towns - Your Village Needs You
The Tidy Towns committee would like to thank the residents
of Dunboyne for their generous response to our annual Church Gate collection
this year. The collection raised over 900 Euro. This money will go along way
towards the cost of the hanging baskets, shrubs, bedding plants and flowers
for the planters in the village centre the cost of which amounted to almost
1000 Euro.
The committee would like to thank Paddy Nolan, Loughsallagh who supplied all
the plants etc this year and last at almost cost price. We would encourage locals
to support Paddy's garden centre.
The committee needs the support of residents and businesses to finance its activities
which includes the cost associated with lighting the Christmas Tree and providing
the lighting around the village Green at Christmas (500 Euro) together with
entry fees for the Tidy Towns Competition, insurance etc which amount to approx
another 300 Euro.
There is significant effort required to keep the flowers in the 30 or baskets
and 12 planters watered. If anyone would like to help, financially or otherwise,
they can contact me at 086 8500693
Ambrose Dunne
Dunboyne Tidy Towns
Village Works Update
Tidy Towns and DCRA met with Meath County Council engineer to monitor and progress works currently being carried out in the village centre. The following are a list of matters agreed at the meeting:
New Seats: Five new Classic Black Cast Iron seats by the Village Green and on the newly paved area in the centre of the village.
Litter Bins: Twelve new black cast iron bins to be placed at strategic points throughout the village. Old bins to be removed.
Large oak bollards to prevent cars parking on paved area or village green.
Base around trees in paved area to be improved.
Old wooden ESB poles in path near Spar and near telephone kiosk to be removed.
There is a need for a proper pedestrian crossing at Spar to Macaries.
"No Entry" poles to be painted black.
To repair loose paving at entry to BOI
Unsightly are in front of Primary School to be landscaped.
To top soil and grass seed area near pedestrian crossing at entrance to Rooske Road.
Meeting arranged to meet Dublin Bus on providing new bus shelter.
Work will begin in two weeks on erecting a new barrier at Station Road Bridge and work will be carried out on the bridge on the Navan Road.
To look at safety for pedestrians on the Rooske Road Bridge.
New road surfaces to be lined - parking spaces, double yellow lines etc and cycle lanes from village centre traffic lights to Rooske Road.
Path along Village Green and in front of Old Primary School to get final layer of tarmac.
Inadequate village cleaning service will be discussed at a later meeting.
The Tidy Towns,with the support of the people of Dunboyne and the traders, have been able to buy almost 40 hanging flower baskets and some 6 additional large wooden planters for the village. With the assistance of the local FAS Scheme we hope to be able to maintain these throughout the summer. I am sure that people agree that these are a welcome addition and improve the appearance of the village centre.
The committee is keen to work with other Residents' Associations to come up with more ideas for ways to improve things further.
If anyone has any suggestions or would like to get involved, they can contact me at 8251058.
Ambrose Dunne
Tidy Towns Committee.
Work is on going. Underground cabling will be completed this month. Some work on drainage needs doing.
Flower planters to be placed at agreed locations throughout the village centre.
Hanging basket to be hung from poles.
New types of seating and litter bins suitable to the existing theme to be put in place.
Raised coloured pedestrian crossings will be put in place when the final road resurfacing is being done.
The placing of a suitable bus shelter for the village centre is being explored.
Go here for Dunboyne's 2001 Tidy Towns results.
Dunboyne is a beautiful village with fantastic potential. The responsibility for keeping Dunboyne clean and tidy falls on all of us – the people of Dunboyne - and the local Tidy Towns committee has been active for many years trying to maintain and improve the general appearance of the village. At the moment, most of the roads in the village area are in a very poor condition due in large part to the huge numbers of new housing developments that have occurred in Dunboyne over the past few years. However, the positive side of this is that these new developments have resulted in a huge influx of people into Dunboyne – the population has more than doubled in the past four years alone. We believe that there must be a lot of vibrant, energetic and civic-spirited people out there who would welcome an opportunity to get involved and to contribute something to the area but are wondering how or where to start. Well, if you’re one of these people - wonder no more! Dunboyne Tidy Towns committee would be delighted to hear from you! Most people can help in some way, whether it’s giving a few hours now and then to help with the various projects or joining the committee to provide new ideas and suggestions. You don’t have to make a huge commitment (as much or as little time as you want) and you’ll have the opportunity to meet new people and at the same time help to improve the local environment by making Dunboyne an even more pleasant place to live.
If you’re new to the area (or even if you’re not) don’t miss this great opportunity to get involved now. It couldn’t be simpler – just ring any of the numbers below and tell us how you’d like to help. The Tidy Towns group will be meeting within the next few weeks and we’d love to meet you.
CONTACTS: ' Sean Griffin - 8251751 ' Ambrose Dunne - 8251058