Dunboyne Combined Residents Association
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Planning Bombshell Hits DunboyneThe recently published Development Plan for Dunboyne is a major shock for the people of Dunboyne.WHY? - The Abolition of the Green Belt The Development plan proposes moving the long established development boundary for Dunboyne from the old railway line to the Tolka River at Green's Sawmills, Loughsallagh. Re-zoning 180 acres immediately beyond Station Road Bridge for high density housing, has the potential to effectively double the present 5000 population of Dunboyne. What Will This Mean For Dunboyne?
Who Wants This? In short - developers. They are the only people to gain from this crazy planning. Remember - County Councillors Represent US - LOBBY THEM Planning Guidelines Ignored? Meath County Council is required to ensure that its development plan for the county conforms to the requirements of "The Strategic Planning Guidelines for the Greater Dublin Area". The main points affecting Dunboyne are:-
Yes ..Our six County Councillors have the power to protect the Green Belt. DCRA will arrange a meeting with representatives of our 16 Residents Association and our 6 Local County Councillors to have this crazy plan changed. Do You Have A Say? Certainly, But you must Speak The plan is on public display, in the library, until the end of June. You must lobby your local County Councillors and TDs to represent the views of the electorate in Dunboyne. Pre-Election Commitment 1999 All elected Local Councillors gave a clear and solid commitment prior to the Local Elections to protect the Green Belt between Dunboyne and Clonee, from the old railway line. We expect them to honour that commitment. We congratulate our County Councillors for re-zoning the "Cow Park" as amenity land and for retaining the current zoning for Dunboyne Castle grounds. COUNTY COUNCILLORS Note: EMAIL Brain Fitzgerald, John Bruton and Mary Wallace.
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